Friday, March 8, 2013

7 Quick Takes

This song completely changed my mood last Tuesday morning.

Our friends who moved out of town came for a visit last weekend.  I decided to invite everyone over.  I mostly regretted it before hand because I could not move myself to clean.  In the 11th hour I finally got there and it was such an enjoyable time.  There were 10 adults and 11 kids.  The kids were getting along great and it was refreshing to see some of our more neglected toys get played with.  The adults naturally separated women in one room men in the other.  It was just so so so great. 

At the party we made plans to make plans to do a real grown up college reunion.  The risk is if anyone's willing to upfront the costs are we going to get people willing to pay to come to the event when they'll have to  travel and get babysitters?  Perhaps we could do my simpler idea of a family picnic.  But the real question is what park can we go to that will let us have BOOZE!!?

I linked up with others for a 5 favorites list and THE Hallie Lord responded and wanted to see my blue eyeliner.  So yesterday I took the time to put on make-up in a way that I haven't done in a long time.  Instead of being yelled at by my son this time around my daughter thought the blush applicator was for her paint. 

The assistant pastor at our parish is awesome.  You can just tell he has a deep interior life.  This is his first year as a priest and he took over the youth group for me.  Two weeks ago after Sunday mass he offered to stay and hear confessions.  That was totally Jesus loving on me as it is very hard to go another day of the week for obvious reasons.

My cousin is awesome.  Watch him make this shot.

I am ashamed that my son can recite the pledge of allegiance but not Hail Mary yet.  My husband pointed out though, should we really put our allegiances with the government? Our trust is in the Lord.  I know if we are put in the position my family and others like me would be civilly disobedient.  

Acts 5:27-29  When they had brought them in and made them stand before the Sanhedrin, the high priest questioned them,

“We gave you strict orders [did we not?] to stop teaching in that name. Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and want to bring this man’s blood upon us.”

But Peter and the apostles said in reply, “We must obey God rather than men.

On a related note; I stand with Rand.

Thanks to Jen at Conversion Diary for hosting this link-up.


  1. We have a Newman reunion every year with the St. Francis crew. We rotate between 3 homes and it works really well. People come around 1:30 on a Saturday, we attend a Vigil Mass, we have a potluck supper - people sign up to bring a dish or two or drinks and the host provides the main dish (like burgers or pulled pork). People are welcome to spend the night and the host provides breakfast the next morning. Kids are welcome though most get sitters if they're not nursing.
    I'm pretty sure, though, that the Bellarmine people drink a heck of a lot more than Frankie A people, which is not to say they don't drink.

  2. So, so pretty! I love it! Thanks for indulging me, cutie pie!


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